Diagnosis of the body functional condition LOTOS Diagnostic
LOTOS Diagnostic is a unique program for diagnosing physical and emotional status.
Many years of research have established that all processes occurring in the human body are reflected in changes in heart rhythms. When developing software for this system, a new method for analyzing the biological rhythms of the human body was used.
Features of the "LOTOS" program:
Determining the optimal time for daytime sleep.
Assessment of neurohumoral regulation and energy resources of the body.
Assessment of the current psycho-emotional state.
Assessment of the level of adaptation of the organism and the degree of harmonization of biological rhythms.
Determining the optimal time for daytime nap.
Why trust LOTOS?

The software of the diagnostic complex "LOTOS" meets the requirements of standards for measurement, physiological interpretation and clinical use of cardiointervalometry indicators, adopted by the European Society of Cardiology and the North American Association of Electrophysiology.
The technology used in the diagnostic complex "LOTOS ONYX" is approved by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation and also approved for medical use and protected by patents of Russian Federation.
Diagnostic process
The diagnostic process is held with the guidance of our specialist. In order for the diagnostic process to be successful, you need to be in a calm, relaxed state. You can even close your eyes.
- In the wrist area, the specialist installs cardiorecorders, which are unique analog-to-digital converters of the body's bioelectrical signals.
- To obtain all the necessary information, it is enough to register an ECG in the first standard lead for just 5 minutes.
- After the diagnostics, our specialist prints out examination results and tells in detail about the general state of your body.
- It is also possible to track the dynamics of changes in the body for certain periods.