- psychocorrection
- breathwork and yoga assanas
- deep relaxation
We will tell you how the process is built, which consists of three important stages.
Physical actions alligned with deep breathing practices.
At the first stage, attention is paid to active breathing and focus on the processes occurring in the body.
That helps to switch from the external environment to what is happening inside. Changing internal processes to those that allow you to gradually move to the second stage.
Deep relaxation, autotraining.
At this stage, we reconnect to our bodies.
It is very important to be in contact with your body: to hear and respond to its signals.
In such moments opportunities and intuitive clues open up that can afterwards change your life. After all, many of the
answers are hidden inside of us.
A psycho correctional part is for working on specific goals, which are carried out in a group to synchronize participants’ minds in one specific space at a specific time.
Neuromeditation helps people to move forward. It’s important to have a purposeful desire and a firm intention to change something in yourself.
Classes are taught by Mikhail and Elena Biryukov. Group classes on neuromeditation with Mikhail Biryukov are held every Wednesday at 19:30 in our QSENSE space.
All classes are by appointment only.