Kundalini yoga
Kundalini yoga is related to the raja, the "royal" yoga of rulers, leaders and it is intended for those who want to really manage their lives.
Kundalini yoga allows you to use the forces of both consciousness and subconsciousness to achieve the desired result.
This kind of yoga includes complex of asanas, meditations, pranayamas (breathing exercises) and chanting mantras.
Kundalini Yoga works on the physical, energetic, mental, and psychic levels. *
It is a system of many different kriyas (complexes). With the right individual choice, they are able to quickly and effectively help with a wide range of goals: from cleansing and detoxifying the body, improving blood circulation and lymph flow, strengthening immunity to improving the emotional state through working with the endocrine system, overcoming addictions, increasing intuition and inner strength.
* Shannahoff-Khalsa D. An Introduction to Kundalini Yoga Meditation Techniques that are Specific for the Treatment of Psychiatric Disorders // The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine. - 2004.