Reality management

Reality Management is a series of lessons where you can master various techniques of leading thoughts to consciously create your future.

Naida Sharipova, a consultant in ancient Chinese metaphysics, will share with you the most effective practices and knowledge that she has collected over 20 years, studying all over the world from direct carriers of classical traditions. The Reality Control course is a synthesis of various practices and knowledge:

  • Buddhist and Vedic knowledge about the materialization of reality, from the Patanjali Sutras to Taoism and Sufism.
  • Modern knowledge of the science of the neurobiology of the brain and the evolution of living biosystems.
  • Theoretical information about the work of our Consciousness: from ancient knowledge to modern researches.
  • Practices from the ancient Tibetan Bon tradition.
  • Classic time-tested traditions and sources, modern authors and researchers, their methods and experience.

On this course, which will be held once a week in a small group, you will receive all the necessary tools that will allow you to easily and playfully manage your life, realize your dreams and destinations, and be environmentally friendly in dialogue with the world around you.

Classes are held in a small group at our QuintesSense center on Frunzenskaya Embankment 54.

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